Moving to New Jersey can be a terribly daunting task. From organizing to packing to finding the right movers, there is simply a tremendous amount of things to do. So the fact that you are trying, not only to move properly but to have an eco-friendly move is worthy of applause. Our environment is constantly changing, and unfortunately, it’s for the worse. Good people are trying to figure out ways to reduce our footprint. But, it is up to us to make sure that we leave this planet better than we found it. And the best way to do so is to pay attention and figure out every little way in which we can be a bit more eco-friendly. You can traverse a long road if you take a big number of small steps.
Moving Preparations
Having an eco-friendly move begins at planing. Right away you need to keep the environment in mind and plan your move so that you as little as possible of nature’s resources. Let’s go at it step by step.

Once you know that you are going to move you need to sort your possessions. Make three groups. The first is what you will transport, the second is what you definitely want and the third is the maybe group. The first two groups are self-explanatory, but for the third group, you need to have a bit of resolve. We suggest putting everything from the third group into the second group. That reduces the cost of moving and the amount of fuel that the truck has to use to move you. Not only that, but it will also prepare you for the next step.
Donations and yard sale
Do not throw away your possessions needlessly. You can find a charity organization and donate your possessions. By doing so you will help a family in need and you will achieve tax deductions. If you are unable to donate your possessions, worry not. You can organize a yard sale. Just make sure that you carefully sort everything and properly lay them out. Every item should have a clear price that is not too high. Rember, you are trying to get rid of things in an eco-friendly way. If some money comes your way, great. But, money should be your primary motive. You can not have an eco-friendly move and save money. Someone has to suffer, and it will either be your wallet or the environment.
Eco-friendly moving equipment
Eco-friendly moving equipment is of the same quality as regular moving equipment. The only difference is that the way in which the moving equipment was made in an eco-friendly way. For instance, there are so-called “green moving boxes” that are made from recycled materials. But, even if you are not able to find eco-friendly equipment, you can still have an eco-friendly move. Just recycle.
Find boxes and moving equipment that people have already used. This just means that you will have to do some legwork, but also spend a lot less money. Once you get the equipment, be careful with it, as someone after you should be able to use it. As we said, you are going to need to exercise some attention if you are going to have an eco-friendly move.
Do not get any wrapping materials. Everything that you need in order to wrap your possessions you can find at your house. Simply use your clothes and old newspapers. Thick clothes, such as hoodies and sweaters, are great as wrapping materials. They are good at isolating the items form whether and excellent in providing padding. For smaller items, you can use crumpled newspapers as padding. Just remember to start saving them some time in advance as you can never be sure how much you are going to need. Whatever you think is not usable after the move you should put aside or recycle.

Having an eco-friendly move
Once you have packed your items in an eco-friendly way, it is time to plan the rest of the move. Here you need to figure out if you are going to use the help from Vector Movers NJ or you are going to move by yourself. Whatever the case, make sure that you clean your house after moving with eco-friendly supplies. Do not use harming chemicals when you don’t have to.
Getting help from movers
You have to talk with your movers in order to figure out if they are eco-friendly. There is simply no way around it. Eco-friendly movers like to talk about their way of helping the environment and will be more than glad to help you have an eco-friendly move. The most important parts of them being eco-friendly is the type of fuel their trucks use. Eco-friendly fuel can be a bit expensive, but it is much better for the environment. But even so, you should ask them about it. Sometimes movers will offer an eco-friendly move, but they will charge it as additional, hidden cost. There is a price to pay so that we do our part in saving the environment, but not everyone is ready to pay it.

If, on the other hand, you decide to move by yourself, you need to do a bit more planning so that your move is as eco-friendly as it can be. First, you need to find a company that rents moving trucks that run on eco-friendly fuel. Second, you need to make sure that you are competent to drive the truck or that you have someone competent helping you. Third, you need to find the most fuel-effective road to take. Simply having eco-friendly fuel is not enough. If you really want to help the environment you need to find a path that is the most fuel-effictive. That, in turn, will also reduce the total cost of your move.