There never seems to be enough time to move. No matter how early you start packing, organizing and preparing there is always some rush. Be it that you completely forgot about 50% of the things that need to be packed or that you are looking for movers in the last possible minute, there is always something that needs to be done quickly. Therefore, it might seem like a good idea to just jump into moving and not worry about planning. Wrong! You cannot properly move without a solid plan. And, you cannot have a solid plan without an inventory list.
Why making an inventory list is important
There are many reasons you should make an inventory list. You need to approach moving with the planning skills and organization that it requires, and having an inventory list is a major part of that. Inventory list gives us easy access to information that is simply too much for us to keep in our heads. Plus, the people who provide you with packing services NJ, will be more than happy if you have a list.
A fool remembers while a smart man writes down. That’s at least how the saying goes, and it is truer than ever when it comes to moving. You need to have a clear head and be on top of things if you want your move to go properly. And you cannot do so if you have to keep track of everything just with memory. Whether you are having Jersey City Movers helping you or you have invited some friends over to give you a hand, you need to know what is going on. Now, it is true that with good movers you can let loose a little, but how do you know if a mover is good? Until you know for sure you need to keep track of what is going on and there is no better way to do so than by having an inventory list.

Less stress
Moving is one of the most stressful things a person will go through in their life. You need to help yourself and reduce that stress to a minimum. Trying to keep every little, important part of the move will cause you a lot of mental strain. That mental strain combined with the time and quality pressure will lead you to be overly stressed in no time. Take care of your health and make a list. You need to stay calm and collected. With a list, you will easily check on the things that you have to deal with. Also, it will give you an input on what has been done, which is much more important for stress. Putting things behind us releases dopamine which causes us to relax and regain some much-needed energy. Help yourself, make a list.
How to make a list?
As with everything in life, there is a proper way to make a list and then there are those that are not. While simply writing things down on a piece of paper has its benefits, you’d be smart to follow certain guidelines. If you already have a system for making lists, be it inventory or to-do, great! You are already set. But, if you are not accustomed to working with lists, here is what you need to know.
Make multiple
If you want your plan to be good you need to see the big picture. And sometimes all the things that have to be done in the big picture cannot fit on a single list. That is why you need to sort and make multiple lists. Have the main moving list on which you will outline every step of the move. It doesn’t have to be precise. It just has to give you the scope of the size of the moving project. Next thing you want to do is to make a list for every part of the main list. Now you can, and should, be precise. Place everything that you need to know on the list. Furthermore, place anything that anyone else needs to know on the list as well.
Keep it simple
A precise list and a complicated list are two very different things. You want to make a list that is precise, but not overly complicated. Therefore, you should make it precise only as much as it needs to be. For instance, if you have to move a chair that is blue, you don’t need to write down “blue wooden chair that I got from aunt Marry when she… etc“. You just need to write down “blue chair“. Be precise only up to the needed amount. Everything on your list needs to be visible and clear at first glance.
Check off
This is the other important part of making an inventory list. You need to be able to check off the things that you have taken care of. Not only so you will know what is done and what else needs to be done but to feel accomplishment. At the end of the day, you need to tell yourself what have you accomplished in order to feel good.

Gamifying it
Video game companies spend a lot of money finding out what makes us happy. And they spent that money well. With help from Psychologist, they have found ways in which we can stimulate our brains and help them make dopamine. And, you’d be smart to learn a thing or two from them. Start off by giving yourself a reward every time you check off something of your list. This way you’ll feel good every time you finish a job, and your body will be more energetic to do so. It doesn’t matter that you are aware of it. That is because most of what is happening are subconscious. Therefore, it doesn’t really matter that you know. Give yourself an extra reward if you do something in a shorter amount of time than expected.